Splotter Con 2025 Special Edition

At the head office of Splotter-4-All Computer Services the phones just won’t stop ringing: complaints galore! Everyone wants internet. Where are all the connections?
We’re excited to announce that we will be publishing a 2025 Splotter Con Special, Limited Edition of Splotter’s 1997 small-box game, WEB, under our new publishing moniker, Damwise Publishing. We will be printing 500 copies and have partnered with a few international retailers to ensure Splotter’s fans overseas have access to this wonderful, super easy to teach game.
WEB is a game in which players attempt to connect as many computers as possible. More than anyone else at least. If that isn’t possible by connecting more computers yourself, there are other means: Stealing computers from your neighbor, dumping uninteresting contracts on them…in WEB, everything is allowed!
Don’t miss out on this limited edition, special release of Splotter’s 1997 small box game, WEB. Rulebook has been updated and edited. All new graphic design and artwork by the phenomenal Japanese artist, Sai Beppu.
Visit our Merch Page for retailer and pricing info as well as to place an order.